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Let's redefine your relationship with alcohol...

and have fun doing it!


Let's redefine your relationship with alcohol...

and have fun doing it!

Want to break free from the fear, judgment, and shame associated with alcohol?

It's Time For a Change!

Click below to kick start your journey with my FREE 5 Day Sobriety Challenge and reclaim your freedom!

Are You...

Questioning your drinking and the negative effects it’s having on your life, health and loved ones?

Drinking to cope with the stresses of life, but end up feeling more anxious and depressed than before?

Ashamed about your drinking and worried about how you behave in front of others, but can’t seem to make the change?

Tired of restless nights and waking up with anxiety, regret and self-loathing?

Are your hangovers setting you back from the life you want to live?

Turned off by the term alcoholic and refuse to be labelled?

Relax... You're in the right place!


About Me

Hi, I’m Kate, an Alcohol Freedom and Mindset Coach. My passion is to help empower successful active mid-life women to find freedom, peace and embark on a healthier lifestyle.

You don’t need to have hit rock bottom! If you are over-drinking and see yourself in my story, reach out to me. It’s not what you lose, it’s what you stand to gain. I can help!

Take courage!

I’ve been where you are too!

Don’t get me wrong, I loved that heady feeling when alcohol enters your system and you get that massive hit of pleasure! But then it becomes a chasing game to maintain that buzz until the numbness sets in, you have more to drink and you lose control. When I realized alcohol was no longer serving me, I became capable of great change. I turned my struggle into strength, my pain into purpose, my grief into gratitude and my self-loathing into self-compassion. I gained mastery of my own life.

I want to act as a beacon of hope for those that are struggling. You are not alone. I know how you feel and what you’re going through.

We all have the ability and power to heal, change and grow. With awareness, curiosity, self-compassion and the reversal of unconscious conditioning, you can return to the perspective of a non-drinker. By referencing my journey and sharing my struggles, I can help you gain clarity and make sense of the thoughts and beliefs keeping you stuck. I can help you regain control of your life, reconcile your shortcomings and come to terms with your fears. We can strip away at those habits that don’t serve you and set about formulating an action orientated plan to reach your full potential. You can become the best authentic version of yourself, and if you’re content, you’re less likely to self destruct. With inspirational tools and insight, allow me to help you live the free liberated life you deserve without feeling deprived or compromise.

What My Clients Say...

Kate! You are awesome! Truly!

I remember back to the beginning of this incredible journey of growth, and how I connected to you. Always so honest, transparent, funny and supportive. Sometimes giddy with possibility! Made me smile!

Listening to accounts of your alcohol-free journey helped me lean into your way of thinking and feeling as you described what freedom looked like and what there was to look forward to! What inspiration!

You encouraged me to keep going and follow my dreams. Thank you!

~Anne MA USA

Kate’s warmth, non-judgmental approach and engaging manner really helped me in our coaching sessions.

Knowing she had experienced similar challenges in her own alcohol freedom journey was reassuring and helped me build confidence. I enjoyed talking to her and was impressed by her knowledge and how well equipped she was with tactics to help me unpack my thoughts and beliefs, whilst developing goals to achieve.

She identified with me well, and I would recommend her to anyone seeking a life of freedom

~Lynn IL USA

Kate related to me well and was willing to share her own experiences as she created a safe environment for me to share.

She supported me with knowledge and guidance as I continue to live an alcohol-free life.

I can certainly recommend her to anyone who needs help in changing their relationship with drinking.

~Mary MN USA

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